Zinovate Cloud


Technology is now part of every stage of the manufacturing supply chain. From production to marketing to sales and distribution, there are enterprise solutions, functional apps, and warehouse management systems that need to be managed and maintained. Successful manufacturing demands that your technology runs securely, efficiently, and effectively. To remain competitive, manufacturing organizations need to build a flexible business model that scales with market demands. Zinovate Cloud enable manufacturers to deploy best-in-class solutions which helps them in digital transformation.


Role of Technology in Manufacturing

Where passion & technology meets productivity

Factory Modernization & Innovation

Drive new levels of agility, safety, productivity, and innovation using IoT, cloud-based computing, AI, and mixed reality

Research & Development Solutions

Accelerate innovation by designing, simulating, and validating products through digital twins and manufacturing cloud solutions

Customer Engagement & Marketing

Improve customer satisfaction, engagement, and profit margins by understand the customer while engaging remotely and digitally across channels

Office Administration Solutions

Empower team with smart technology, tools and knowledge they need to get the job done, wherever they are
